BLOG #126. YouTube-Channel Пашкины Shortы Just Published Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2024 Report (Including an Interview with Misha Kucherenko) (In Russian)


BLOG #126. YouTube-Channel Пашкины Shortы Just Published Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2024 Report (Including an Interview with Misha Kucherenko) (In Russian)

AVReport/StereoPravda had our own demo room at the show (featuring Magnepan MG20.7 and Mini-Maggie Speakers, augmented by Aesthetix, Ayre and MSB electronics).

A link to the report can be found here (Misha Kucherenko’s interview (in Russian) starts at 00:35):

STEREOPRAVDA.COM-BLOG-#126-pic#1 of 3-04Nov24.png

STEREOPRAVDA.COM-BLOG-#126-pic#2 of 3-04Nov24.png

STEREOPRAVDA.COM-BLOG-#126-pic#3 of 3-04Nov24.png

04.11.2024 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  164

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