BLOG #51. A Quick Reminder on Our Seminal Moment


BLOG #51. A Quick Reminder on Our Seminal Moment

To commemorate our third anniversary one more time we would like to refresh everybody’s memory here on that seminal interview that I gave to my dear friend Gary Reber, The Editor-in-Chief of Widescreen Review magazine, in 2015.

Gary’s strong support for my ideas has been a crucial factor that did instigate my resolution to start the StereoPravda SPearphone project.

Here's the link to the interview:

(we changed the “SB-2” and the “SB-3” monikers of our earphone models mentioned in the interview to the current – respectively -  the “SB-7” and the “SB-7A”)

10.09.2018 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1478

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